Representations of the Other

Home » Forthcoming events » GOGOL IN CLUJ/CARDIFF BETWEEN 21-23 MARCH, 2014


A glocal, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural event (workshop+symposium+open discussion) fostering participatory culture, drama/theatre as tool for social transformation.


Between 21-23 March, 2014 Representations of the Other project organizes a workshop and international symposium in Cluj (Romania), at the Painstbrush Factory / Fabrica the Pensule, one of the most emerging independent contemporary art scenes .


Painstbrush Factory / Fabrica the Pensule

The WORKSHOP is organized in co-operation with the Gogol Interplayground Project ; a multi-faceted, artistic and socially sensitive initiative that fosters anti-corruption discussions, transparency and sustainable development.

The Gogol InterPlayground project is a theatre/drama project born in Budondo, Uganda. At the centre of it all is the play The Government Inspector written in 1838 by the Ukrainian-born dramatist Nikolai Gogol. Due to the ironic, metaphoric approach of the topic the play has become the starting point of discussions and workshops that were uploaded to the blog created in order to set up a worldwide community network of the initiative. Local interpretations and adaptations of the paly are shared within a growing network in Uganda, Sweden, Norway, Bolivia, Denmark, Philippines, Ukraine and Australia so far and likely to take continue in Canada, India, Tanzania, Lithuania and Australia. The nodes in this network are in different contexts, established theatres as well as non-formal study-circles or more formal educational organisations.


Gogol InterPlayground

In CLUJ (Romania), students in theatre studies, communication, comparative literature and young theatre professionals will rehearse scenes from The Government Inspector in Hungarian/English. Their instructor is David Buchbinder, musician, festival organizer and founder of Diasporic Genius: an urban development initiative based on participatory culture.

Panorama Cluj-Napoca City Transilavania Romania

Cluj Panorama

In CARDIFF (The Great Britain), students in theatre will rehearse the same scenes in Welsh. Their instructor is Ian Staples, writer and university lecturer at the University of South Wales.


Cardiff Bay

Scenes and following discussions are live streamed via skype.

Main aims: foster participatory culture, translation studies, international trainers, open discussions, cross-cultural partnership and extracurricular activity: experience in theatre practice for young theoreticians.

The SYMPOSIUM is organized for members and partners of Representations of the Other project and takes part during the workshop.

Main aims: outline the conception of the special issue of the academic journal Otherness of the Aarhus University (Denmark) and encourage practice based research, networking and further professional co-operations.

The OPEN DISCUSSIONS: with participants of the workshop and the symposium and invited artists and professionals – sociologists, philosophers and hopefully decision makers. The event is also open to anyone interested. Discussions start with presentation of the scenes rehearsed during the workshop both in Cluj and Cardiff followed by discussions on both the young theoreticians’ experiences during the rehearsal and on possible impact of theatre on society.

Main aims: foster cross-cultural, interdisciplinary dialogue and find ways to enhance the impact of theatre and arts on society.

Closing event: on a volunteer basis, participants of the workshop and symposium cook a ‘Gogolian meal’ (typical Russian meal) under the leadership of Erika Leopold graduated in Theatre Studies in Cluj (Ro), now gastro blogger  in Budapest (Hungary) and Júlia Laczó actor at the Hungarian Theatre in Cluj and also trained cook by the time of the event.

Main aim: have fun.

Coming soon: list of international participants and schedule.


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